Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Poem: The 5 or 6 P’s Plus or Minus aka The Covid 19 Pandemic

The 5 or 6 P’s Plus or Minus aka The Covid 19 Pandemic

Piss Poor Progress
Places a Premium 
On Puttering,
Not Perfection.

On Parties with Pot and Pinot Grigio,
Playing with Prozac,
Promoting Plump Particles of
Pride And Pleasing the Public.

Puts Perceived Power 
Over Paradox,
Pride and Privilege 
Over Participation.

Pretty Progress can Placate
But Polarize the
Precarious Prevalence 
Of Primitive Panaceas.

Over Passion, Perseverance,
Over Pathological,
Probable Possibility.

c. Triada Samaras 2020